Senior Living in Branford, CT
Also serving communities of North Branford.
There are 106 Senior Living options in the Branford area, with 6 in Branford and 100 nearby.
The average cost of senior living in Branford is $3,034 per month.
To help you with your search, browse the 11 reviews below for senior living in Branford. On average, consumers rate senior living in Branford 4.1 out of 5 stars. Better rated regions include New Haven with an average rating of 4.0 out of 5 stars. has helped 5 families in Branford find high-quality senior care. To speak with one of our Family Advisors about senior living options and costs in Branford, call (855) 948-3865.
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Reviews of Communities Nearby
Senior Living
Review of Artis Senior Living Of Branford
I went to look at Artis Senior Living of Branford. I like the social aspect of it, like group activities. They offered day trips. The woman doing the tour is very helpful and informative. The rooms...
Senior Living
Review of HarborChase of Branford
It is assisted living. They provide three meals a day in the dining room. The rooms didn't have full kitchens. There was just a small refrigerator, a microwave, and a sink. Overall, the rooms were...
Senior Living
Review of ARK Healthcare and Rehabilitation at Branford Hills
I visited this facility when they just open the LW2 unit. Renovations revealed beautiful work being done. The rooms are specious and very lovely decorated. Staff is very kind and polite. I was...