Senior Living in Van Wert, OH
Also serving communities of Delphos, Convoy.
There are 5 Senior Living options in the Van Wert area, with 4 in Van Wert and 1 nearby.
To help you with your search, browse the 44 reviews below for senior living in Van Wert. Better rated regions include Decatur with an average rating of 3.6 out of 5 stars. has helped thousands of families find high-quality senior care. To speak with one of our Family Advisors about senior living options and costs in Van Wert, call (855) 948-3865.
Senior Living Facilities in Van Wert, OH
5 Results
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Reviews of Communities Nearby
Senior Living
Review of Hearth & Home at Van Wert
There were nice people at Hearth & Home At Van Wert. However, they got you in, and then they kind of raised the rate right away. We had a lot of problems with it because they were trying a new...
Senior Living
Review of Homestead at Towne Center
My aunt has been in Homestead at Towne Center for a couple of months now. They're great. I would give them a great review. They have been more than accommodating to our needs. They have been...
Senior Living
Review of Vancrest of Van Wert
Vancrest Assisted Living is a nursing home I am very familiar with. I have a family member who is a resident here and my family and I visit her often. Their grounds and facilities are very well...