Community Options Program Entry System Waiver
COPES is a waiver program for Medicaid participants who need home and community-based services to look after their needs. The COPES program provides adult day health care, home-delivered meals and nursing services for seniors with medical issues, such as wound care and dementia management. Transportation assistance and durable medical equipment can also be obtained through a COPES waiver, which is available to seniors living at home or in a residential care facility.
To qualify for a COPES waiver, seniors in Washington must meet the income and other eligibility criteria for participation in Apple Health. They must also have a medical need that would otherwise require placement in long-term care. Seniors and their families can learn more about the COPES waiver and apply online at the program’s web portal or by visiting an intake worker at a local Home & Community Services office.
Residential Support Waiver
The Residential Support Waiver provides support to seniors who need enhanced residential care in community-based settings licensed by the state. Services offered include personal care from a trained caregiver and supervision and support for behavioral issues such as wandering. The Residential Support Waiver is open to applicants who meet Apple Health eligibility guidelines and need assistance due to Alzheimer’s disease, other cognitive impairments and traumatic brain injuries, which can also include stroke. Applications may be submitted online or at a local HCS office.
Community First Choice
The CFC program provides personal care services, nursing and nurse-delegated services (such as blood draws and medication assistance), installation of assistive technology and community transition services. Eligible participants must meet Apple Health intake guidelines and have a level of functional impairment that justifies placement in a skilled nursing facility.
Seniors currently enrolled in Apple Health can apply for a CFC waiver through a social service intake at their local HCS office. Adults who aren’t enrolled in Medicaid must undergo an eligibility screening through the HCS office or online.
Specialized Dementia Care Program
The Specialized Dementia Care Program offers a set of services tailored to the needs of seniors with dementia who reside in a licensed long-term care facility. Financial support delivered through the program can go toward hiring personal care attendants, paying for supervision and intermittent nursing support. Periodic caregiver training is also provided for dementia-specific issues.
Seniors may be eligible for the Specialized Dementia Care Program if they have a diagnosis of dementia from a physician and otherwise meet Apple Health enrollment criteria. Benefits are delivered through licensed assisted living facilities, which are where seniors and families can request an application. For seniors who aren’t enrolled in Medicaid, applications can be made either online or through a local HCS office.