Community Choices Home and Community Based Services Waiver
The CCW program serves people aged 65 and older and those aged between 19 and 64 who have a disability that meets the Social Security Administration’s criteria. It provides services that help people remain living at home or in a community setting.
To be eligible for the CCW program, applicants must meet certain criteria relating to their residency, finances and functional abilities. In particular, applicants must require a nursing home level of care and meet the financial eligibility requirements for the Medicaid Special HCBS Waiver Group.
Participants are partnered with a case manager to determine their needs and arrange the necessary services. A core philosophy of the program is that participants should direct their own care. This means that you can choose whether to receive services in your home, the home of a relative or an assisted living facility. Your case manager can discuss your options and help you decide what’s right for you.
Benefits of the program include personal care, meals, some skilled nursing services and personal emergency response systems. Assisted living is listed as a benefit. The department defines this as “personal care and supportive services in a residential setting and includes 24-hour on-site response to meet resident needs.”
The application process for the CCW begins with a referral to the program. This is often made by the Client Services Unit when an individual applies for Medicaid, but can also be made by hospitals, seniors centers, family and friends. After being referred, you must complete applications for both Medicaid and the waiver before a determination can be made. If you wish to be referred to the program, contact the Benefits and Eligibility Specialist in your area or call the Long Term Care Eligibility Unit at (855) 203-2823.