Assisted Living Service Plan Requirements | The service plan is drafted after a resident is evaluated by a medical professional. The screening covers cognitive abilities, mobility, skilled nursing needs, ADL ability, and dietary preferences. The service plan details, based on the screening, the process of providing those services, including who performs the task and how frequently it occurs. |
Assisted Living Admission Requirements | Although each facility is responsible for setting its own admission requirements, it's prohibited to accept or retain a resident who needs a certain type or amount of care that can't reasonably be provided. Any facility that provides specialized services, such as Alzheimer's care, must meet additional licensing requirements relevant to those services before admitting such residents. |
Assisted Living Scope of Care | Residents are provided assistance with activities of daily living (mobility, hygiene and dressing) as well as supervision and security. Residents must not have unstable medical conditions that require frequent nursing care. ALFs must provide activities and meet residents’ spiritual needs. There should be three meals a day, and snacks in between. Facilities must coordinate at least annual access to a medical professional such as a physician or nurse practitioner. |
Assisted Living Medicaid Policy | South Dakota covers some of the costs and services associated with assisted living through its Medicaid HCBS waiver programs such as HOPE and CHOICES. The state does not allow for family supplementation for those with HCBS waivers. Not all assisted living facilities accept Medicaid as a form of payment. Contact your prospective communities for their policy on Medicaid programs. |
Assisted Living Facility Requirements | The capacity of each assisted living facility is determined by the Department of Health. For assisted living facilities built after January 9, 2012, each residential room must have a bathroom with a sink. Each living unit or bedroom must house a maximum of two people, as the state allows for double-occupancy rooms but does not allow for larger units. Assisted living regulations also cover aspects such as lighting, ventilation, pest control, and security. |
Medication Management Regulations | The acquisition, storage, usage, and disposal of all medication is strictly controlled. Medication must be prescribed by qualified individuals, such as a physician or nurse practitioner, and monthly reviews of resident medication usage must be handled by a pharmacist. Residents can self-administer medications if deemed appropriate. Staff members who pass training may then administer medications to residents. |
Staffing Requirements | South Dakota regulations state that assisted living facilities must have “adequate staff” on duty based on the number of residents and the amount and type of care services. Care time per resident should not be less than 48 minutes. At least two staff members must be on duty at all times. Assisted living facilities must have an awake staff member during regular sleeping hours, and must contract or employ an administrator, LPN, an RN, and assistive staff. |
Staff Training Requirements | All new employees must participate in an orientation program within 30 days of hire and receive ongoing education each year. The subjects must include fire prevention, safety and emergency procedures, resident rights, nutrition/hydration needs and handling of claims of abuse or neglect. |
Background Checks for Assisted Living | Employees of assisted living facilities aren't required by law to submit to a background check, although many facilities do make it a requirement. The regulations simply state that the administration must not knowingly allow anyone convicted of a crime of abuse to work in the facility. |
Requirements for Reporting Abuse | ALR staff members are required by law to report “knowledge or reasonable suspicion of abuse, neglect or exploitation of elders” to their facility administrator within 24 hours. Administrators must report incidents to state authorities within an additional 24 hours. If you have reason to suspect abuse or neglect of an elder, please contact the South Dakota Adult Protective Service at 833-663-9673 or fill out an Adult Protective Service Referral Form. |