Managed Long Term Care Program Waiver
The MLTC program is intended to help people with chronic illnesses or disabilities, including memory loss, get the care they need without entering a nursing home. People in the program enroll in a managed care plan, which has a network of health care providers, and after enrolling, you must get services from your plan’s providers.
There are three types of plans available for people in the program: MLTC Medicaid Program, Medicaid Advantage Plus (MAP) and Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). The MLTC Medicaid program keeps Medicaid and Medicare separate, while MAP and PACE combine Medicaid and Medicare services into one plan.
Enrollment in the program is mandatory for anyone who is over 21, dual-eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare and in need of long-term care for at least four months. Enrollment is voluntary for adults who aren’t dual-eligible. In addition to these criteria, applicants must meet Medicaid’s income and asset limits and must require a nursing home level of care. Participants can’t be enrolled in MLTC and another waiver program, such as ALP, at the same time.
The exact benefits differ slightly depending on the type of plan you choose, mainly because some plans combine Medicare and Medicaid services. All plans provide care management, home care and other community long-term care services. These can be provided in an assisted living setting. Other services include occupational therapy, vision and hearing aids and medical social services.
Applications for the program are made through local Department of Social Services offices.
Assisted Living Program
The Assisted Living Program uses a mix of Medicaid and non-Medicaid funding to pay for the cost of assisted living services in licensed assisted living residences. This hybrid funding model means it can pay for both care services and room and board for qualified participants.
The program is available to both Medicaid recipients and private payers. Applicants must still meet the financial and residency criteria to be eligible for Medicaid and must require a nursing home level of care. The program isn’t available to people who are bedridden, need constant nursing care or who are impaired in a way that endangers other residents.
The ALP pays for the basic cost of assisted living. Services provided include case management, personal care, room and board, recreational activities and supervision. On the medical side, skilled nursing, some therapies and medical supplies and equipment can be included. It’s important to note that basic costs may not cover every service that’s offered in a facility. Some memory care services may be offered in addition to the basic services and would need to be paid for by other means.
As of February 2022, the ALP is only funded for 4,200 participants and new applicants are put on a waiting list. If eligible for other programs, such as MLTC, you may still be able to get assistance paying for care in assisted living, although room and board costs won’t be covered.
The Department of Health recommends that interested seniors contact participating assisted living providers in their area to see if there’s a position available. New York’s Adult Care Facility Directory does state whether the facility has beds in the ALP and is a good place to start if you’re looking for a facility. Local Department of Social Services offices can also offer assistance.