Also serving communities of Ligonier, New Alexandria.
There are 16 Senior Living options in the Latrobe area, with 8 in Latrobe and 8 nearby.
The average cost of senior living in Latrobe is $3,377 per month. Cheaper rated regions include Greensburg with an average starting cost of 2,728.
To help you with your search, browse the 484 reviews below for senior living in Latrobe. On average, consumers rate senior living in Latrobe 4.2 out of 5 stars. Better rated regions include Verona with an average rating of 4.0 out of 5 stars. has helped thousands of families find high-quality senior care. To speak with one of our Family Advisors about senior living options and costs in Latrobe, call (855) 948-3865.