In Oklahoma, family members can be paid for in-home caregiving. The state offers ADvantage waiver, part of Oklahoma’s Medicaid program, Soonercare. ADvantage members can select the Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services & Supports (CDPASS) service plan to manage their own health care by choosing their own service providers rather than relying on a case manager to do so.

The ADvantage program is designed to offer an alternative approach to care for individuals who would require a nursing home level of care, allowing them to stay in their homes and receive care and services there. This program offers several services to assist with activities of daily living and some home health care, including case management, personal care, meal delivery, specialized medical equipment and skilled nursing.

How to Qualify for an ADvantage Waiver

To qualify for an ADvantage waiver, individuals must first be eligible to receive Soonercare. To qualify for Soonercare, individuals must be U.S. citizens and meet income eligibility guidelines. Additionally, they must meet one of several qualifying criteria:

  • Adults with children under the age of 19
  • Children under the age of 19
  • Pregnant women
  • Adults ineligible for Medicare aged 19-64
  • Adults 65 or older
  • Individuals who are blind or otherwise disabled
  • Women under 65 requiring breast or cervical cancer treatment 

To receive the waiver, individuals must meet medical qualifications affirming that they require a nursing home level of care as determined by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services Center. However, because the ADvantage program does not cover 24/7 care, individuals must be capable of remaining safely in their homes with provided support. To enroll in CDPASS to self-direct care, ADvantage recipients must be capable of directing their care or appoint an authorized representative to direct their care, and they must comply with Oklahoma’s Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirement to track hours of work provided.

Which Family Members Can Be Paid for Caregiving with the ADvantage CDPASS Service Option?

Most qualifying family members may be appointed as personal care providers for CDPASS participants. Spouses, non-family legal guardians, powers of attorney and authorized representatives are typically not eligible for compensation for caregiving under CDPASS. Some rare exceptions are made for spouses as paid caregivers. All hired family members must pass a background check to qualify for compensation.

Family caregivers are paid based on a budget set between ADvantage recipients and their caseworkers. Hours of care are capped at 40 hours per week or 8 hours per day, but schedules may be lower than 40 hours per week depending on eligibility and need as determined by a caseworker. The recipient tracks hours of care provided with EVV, and a Financial Management Service (FMS) handles payroll.