Medicaid enrollees with certain disabilities or care needs may qualify for assisted living assistance in Texas. The state doesn’t pay for room or board but may fund services received in an assisted living community through one of its in-home care waivers and programs. Whether you’re eligible for assistance depends on several factors, including your income, functional status and ability to self-direct your services.

STAR + PLUS Eligibility

Texas’ STAR + PLUS waiver covers in-home services such as personal care assistance, rehabilitative and maintenance therapies and nursing services received in an assisted living setting. You could be eligible to enroll in the STAR + PLUS program if you’re 21 or older and need a nursing facility level of care. 

You must also qualify for Medicaid services in the community by receiving SSI, being eligible for Medical Assistance Only status or having income and assets below the limit for the state’s Medicaid program. Enrolling in another Medicaid waiver program could prevent you from receiving assistance through STAR + PLUS.

Community First Choice Eligibility

You may qualify for the Community First Choice program in Texas if you’re eligible for STAR + PLUS. You must need support with activities of daily living and need the level of care usually provided in a residential care setting to qualify for funded care and rehabilitative services through the program.