To qualify for assisted living financial assistance in Oklahoma, seniors meet with a Department of Human Services caseworker who then determines if they are eligible for the Oklahoma SoonerCare ADvantage Waiver Program. Requirements include that their modified adjusted gross income is less than 185% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines and that they need a nursing home level of care. This program provides funding to help seniors stay in their homes instead of moving to a nursing home to receive care. It also contributes toward the costs of assisted living care in approved assisted living facilities in Oklahoma.

Qualifying for the Oklahoma SoonerCare ADvantage Program

Seniors who qualify for the SoonerCare ADvantage Medical Waiver Program meet several criteria. These include:

  • Qualify financially for SoonerCare
  • Be 65 years or older
  • Need a nursing level of care
  • Not be cognitively impaired
  • Be a permanent resident of Oklahoma
  • Be a U.S. citizen or legal resident

Financial requirements for the ADvantage Program are that an individual senior may not earn an adjusted income of more than $2,265 per month and have assets that are less than $4,000. For a senior married couple, the income limit is $3,052 and the maximum asset amount is $6,000. The modified adjusted gross income is generally the same as the IRS adjusted gross income and includes taxable income less allowable deductions.

Assisted Living Benefits of the SoonerCare ADvantage Program

The Oklahoma ADvantage Program provides assisted living services to seniors living at home who qualify for nursing home care or who live in an approved assisted living community. In-home services include case management, personal care, housekeeping, laundry, meals, exercise, intermittent nursing and occupational and physical therapy. For those living in an assisted living facility, the program covers care costs except for board and rent.

Other Assisted Living Programs in Oklahoma

The Oklahoma Care Authority also has a Medically Fragile Waiver Program for seniors and others who have a life-threatening condition, are dependent on medical technology and require regular specialized treatment. This stay-at-home care program allows affected people to receive care and support at home instead of being placed in a skilled nursing facility. Services include case management, personal care, nursing, specialized medical equipment and supplies, home modifications and delivered meals. The Living Choice Project provides similar levels of care for seniors, or others, who are transitioning back to their homes after being in a nursing home or care facility for at least 60 days.

Another alternative is the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), which operates in Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Tahlequah. This is a Medicaid and Medicare program that includes primary care, nursing, meals, home care, hospitalization, nursing home care when needed, transportation and hospice care. Eligibility requirements are that seniors must live in a PACE service area, require a nursing level of care, be 55 years or older and earn less than 300% of the limit for Social Security Medicaid coverage.