Seniors in Utah are considered low-income if they earn less than 133% of the Federal Poverty Level. In 2023, the Federal Poverty Level is defined as $18,075 per year for a single person and $24,352 for couples. The Federal Poverty Level is used as a guideline for calculating eligibility for a variety of benefits and supportive programs, including Medicaid.

Low-income seniors may qualify for help with the cost of home health care or other long-term care services. They may also receive help with home modifications that would enable them to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Seniors can contact their nearest Area Agency on Aging for information about the support that is available to them.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Eligibility Can Also Unlock Other Benefits

The income and asset criteria for Supplemental Security Income are slightly higher than those used in Medicaid calculations. However, seniors who are eligible for SSI are treated as meeting the financial eligibility requirements for Medicaid. It’s important to be aware that as part of any benefits claims process, the Medicaid or Social Security Department may ask to see several years’ worth of bank statements to ensure the applicant has not gifted funds or undersold assets in an attempt to fall within financial eligibility requirements.

Seniors Living in Larger Households Have Bigger Income Allowances

The Federal Poverty Guidelines are based on the number of people living in the household. Seniors who have children or grandchildren living with them can have a larger household income than a single person or a couple before they’re considered to be earning too much to claim Medicaid, home weatherization assistance or other support.