Seniors in Alaska are classed as on a low income if their monthly income is $2,124 for a single person or $2,861 for a couple. This figure is 150% of the Federal Poverty Level. The Federal Poverty Level is reassessed every year, and many benefits have their eligibility requirements based on a percentage of the poverty level. In most cases, the permitted income is between 130% and 150% of the Federal Poverty Level.

Low-income seniors may qualify for support with their housing. They may also qualify for help with the cost of assisted living, in-home care or other medical assistance. In addition to the income requirements, there are asset limits, although the family home is not considered to be a countable asset when calculating eligibility for Medicaid.

Eligibility for Medicare Benefits is Not Income-Based

Eligibility for Medicare is not based on a person’s income. Someone who has a higher income may pay higher Medicare premiums, but their income will not affect any claims they make. Eligibility for Medicare benefits is based on a person’s needs, as assessed by a qualified medical professional.

Medicaid is for Lower-Income Individuals

Alaska Medicaid waivers are income-assessed. The income limit is currently set to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level, which is $1,954 for a single person or $2,575 for a couple. There are also asset limits. Seniors who are above these limits may be able to use a spend-down program to offset uncovered medical expenses against their income, bringing their income below the threshold.