In Maryland, the average cost for a home health aide is $27.00 per hour, which is on par with average rates nationwide. Prices can vary by several dollars per hour in different Maryland cities, meaning that seniors may be able to find more affordable rates depending on where they live. In this guide, you’ll learn about hourly home health costs in several Maryland cities and find out how you can get financial help to pay for your care.

Home Health Aide Costs in Maryland Cities

Although Maryland has an average home health aide cost of $27.00 per hour, seniors can find care that’s more affordable in several cities across the state. The cheapest option is the city of California, where residents pay only $24.00 an hour, followed by Cumberland with hourly rates averaging $25.50. In Salisbury, prices go up a bit to $26.00 per hour, and in Baltimore, home health care costs $26.50. Hagerstown’s prices jump to $27.00, which is the same as the state and U.S. averages.

Medicaid Programs for Home Health in Maryland

Maryland offers three Medicaid programs that cover home health care: Community Personal Assistance, Community First Choice and the Community Options Waiver. These programs are aimed at people with varying levels of health care needs. To apply for a program, call the Maryland Department of Health at (410) 767-1739.

Services vary by program but may include the following:

  • Personal care
  • Medical supplies and equipment
  • Accessibility modifications
  • Assistive technology devices
  • Nurse monitoring
  • Mental health support
  • Home-delivered meals

Maryland Medicaid Program Eligibility

Each of Maryland’s Medicaid programs has different eligibility requirements. The general requirements are outlined below.

  • Must need help with daily activities of living
  • Must need a nursing facility level of care (Community Options)
  • Must qualify for Medicaid (seniors who receive SSI are automatically eligible and don’t need to apply)
  • Income at or below 300% of SSI benefits and assets of $2,000 or less (Community Options)