There are 67 assisted living facilities in North Dakota. These facilities provide housing and care for at least five seniors, and they’re licensed through the Department of Health. Residents in these facilities have individualized care plans that include assistance with daily living activities and health services. They’re not required to provide daily meals, though many do, and they feature private and semiprivate accommodations.

How Much Does Assisted Living Cost in North Dakota?

North Dakota is among the most cost-effective states in the nation for assisted living, with facilities charging $3,391 per month for care. This is more than $1,000 per month cheaper than the national average of $4,500. Among the three surveyed cities in the state, Grand Forks is the most affordable for this level of care with seniors paying $2,200 per month for services. In Bismarck and Fargo, rates are higher but still affordable compared to national norms at $3,710 and $3,840, respectively.

How to Pay for Assisted Living in North Dakota

Seniors in North Dakota may pay for assisted living through the state’s Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Waiver. This waiver provides direct coverage for residential care along with supportive services, respite care, non-emergency medical transportation and mobility aids. To qualify for assistance under this program, applicants must meet guidelines related to residency, age, functional need and income, and those who qualify may be placed on a wait-list until an enrollment slot opens. Medicaid planning may be available to those whose income or assets exceed the program’s limits.