There are 136 assisted living facilities in New Hampshire. These facilities adhere to regulations set by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Health Facilities Administration. There are two types of assisted living residences in New Hampshire. These include residential care facilities, which provide nonmedical care, and supported residential health care facilities, which provide skilled nursing services for seniors eligible for nursing home placement.

What Do Assisted Living Facilities in New Hampshire Provide?

Assisted living facilities in New Hampshire provide three meals, along with snacks, every day. They also provide individualized care plans, though the scope of care the facility provides depends on its licensing category. They provide social and recreational activities to support an enriching, engaging environment, and they have indoor and outdoor common areas for residents to enjoy. While there are no minimum staffing ratios, facilities are expected to have enough staff members on-site at all times to care for residents’ scheduled and unscheduled needs.

How Much Does Assisted Living in New Hampshire Cost?

According to the Genworth 2021 Cost of Care Survey, New Hampshire is one of the most expensive states in the nation for assisted living, with monthly fees coming in at $6,053. This is about $1,500 higher than the national median of $4,500. In Manchester, the only surveyed city in the state, seniors pay $8,061 per month for services.