How do we convince my father to see a doctor about possible Alzheimer's symptoms and hearing loss?

Mumgirl asked...

How do I or my mother or my siblings convince my father that he needs to be seen and evaluated by a doctor for symptoms that closely resemble Alzheimer's? He seems to think that he can be his own doctor by taking vitamins and supplements. Otherwise, he is in good health. Oh, except for his hearing problem -- he can't hear and refuses to be evaluated about this too! Thanks for your help!


Expert Answer

Paula Spencer Scott is the author of Surviving Alzheimer's. A Met Life Foundation Journalists in Aging fellow, she writes extensively about health and caregiving; four of her family members have had dementia.

It can be tricky, especially because friends and family of someone with Alzheimer's often recognize a possible problem first. Or your dad may have noticed problems himself and is scared of a diagnosis, or in denial. Here are some suggestions that have worked for others.