When property is held jointly and one party enters a nursing home, what is the financial responsibility of each party?

A fellow caregiver asked...

When property is held jointly and one party enters a nursing home, what is the financial responsibility of each party?

Expert Answer

Barbara Steinberg is the CEO and founder of BLS Eldercare Financial Solutions, which specializes in helping families pay for long-term care for their loved ones. A registered financial gerontologist, she speaks regularly on the topic of paying for long-term care and is a financial expert for Caring.com.

It's difficult to answer the question without knowing more specifics, but I'm assuming that you're talking about a married couple, with one spouse entering a nursing home and hoping to qualify for Medicaid.

Medicaid -- which pays for the nursing home care of financially and medically needy people -- is a complicated program. Each state has different rules about what assets a spouse is entitled to keep when the other spouse qualifies for Medicaid nursing care. Planning is important to ensure that enough resources will be available for the stay-at-home spouse.

Under the Medicaid rules, the assets of both spouses are combined and divided in half. Any assets over the maximum allowed for the stay-at-home spouse must be used to pay for the care of the nursing home spouse.The stay-at-home spouse is entitled to a minimum amount of assets and income. These amounts vary by state.