Can a person start expecting too much help?

Franstanat asked...

But can a person start expecting too much help?

Expert Answer

Kay Paggi, GCM, LPC, CGC, MA, is in private practice as a geriatric care manager and is on the advisory board for the Emeritus Program at Richland College. She has worked with seniors for nearly 20 years as a licensed professional counselor, certified gerontological counselor, and certified geriatric care manager.

Yes, definitely. This often happens as a result of family doing for an elder things they are capable of doing themselves. After a while, the elder then expects these things done for them. When caregivers do too much, they may rob an older person of dignity and self respect. It's better to let the care receiver do what they can for themselves, and gradually add a little support as it is needed, rather than assuming they can't do for themselves.

This happens after an illness or hospitalization, too, when the older person really cannot do for themselves. Family get in the habit of doing things for them, and continue to do them long after the elder could do these tasks without assistance.