If someone who is supposed to receive an interitance dies, who gets that part of the inheritance?

A fellow caregiver asked...

My grandma and her brother,sister are left a house in a will and the sister die does her son get her part?

Expert Answer

Judy and Fred co-mediate family property and financial conflicts, and each work individually as mediators as well. Judy Barber, a mediator and family business consultant, assists clients in resolving overlapping family and money conflicts so they are better able to make sound estate planning decisions. Frederick Hertz is an attorney and mediator who specializes in resolving co-ownership matters involving families, siblings, spouses, cohabitants and domestic partners.

The answer to your question depends on the specific language of the will, and the rules of inheritance of your state. You will need to consult with an estate lawyer in your state, and they can review the will and explain the outcome to you.