How can I tell if mother is getting proper care in her nursing facility?

A fellow caregiver asked...

How can I tell if mother is getting proper care in nursing facility?

Expert Answer

Nan Hayes is founder of, the national resource network of Certified Relocation and Transition Specialists for seniors, and President of RightSized Living, a senior home transition service in Illinois.

Quality ratings are often available for homes and should be part of your research when selecting a home. In many cases you can find this information on state websites. States survey Medicare and Medicaid certified homes every 9-18 months including interviews with residents, review of resident records, inspection of the premises, and assessment of compliance with state and federal standards. You have the right to request the latest state inspection report to see how the home performed against state standards set by law. You may also want to use a nursing home checklist  for a personal review.  Be cautious of fee based websites that offer rating information. The department of Health and Human services offers a great deal of nursing home rating and comparative information .