What is the chemo treatment referred to as "CHOP"?

Kalex asked...

What is the chemo treatment referred to as "CHOP"?

Expert Answer

Senior Editor Melanie Haiken, who is responsible for Caring.com's coverage of cancer, general health, and family finance, discovered how important it is to provide accurate, targeted, usable health information to people facing difficult decisions.

CHOP is an acronym that stand for four medications:

  • Cyclophosphamide
  • Hydroxydoxorubicin (Brand name Adriamycin)
  • Oncovin (Brand name Vincristine)
  • Prednisone

This is one of the most commonly prescribed chemo regimens for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Sometimes Rituxan is prescribed as well; then it's referred to as CHOP-R.