Should a person with uncontrolled blood sugar be on an insulin pump?

A fellow caregiver asked...

Should a person with uncontrolled blood sugar be on a pump?

Expert Answer

Karen Earle, M.D. is medical director of Diabetes Services at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco.

An insulin pump does not automatically not make blood sugar control better.  A pump can be used as an alternative way to deliver insulin.  A person on a pump still needs to check blood sugars regularly.  In addition, the person wearing a pump needs to learn how to program a pump to determine sensitivity to insulin and carbohydrate.   I recommend that anyone considering an insulin pump see a diabetes educator to learn more about pumps and how to use one.  Insulin pumps are a fantastic method of controlling blood sugars for someone on multiple injections of insulin, however, pumps require a lot of work and will not fix uncontrolled diabetes.