End of Life Sadness

My momma asked...

My mother-in-law who has been like a second mother has advanced dementia with pneumonia, diabetes and coma. She was hospitalized with pneumonia January 20th, released to the care of her daughter January 24th. Momma was given 7-10 days to live 2 weeks ago. For a couple of days she was taking ensure, now no food or water since January 25th,. She has oxygen, medication for agitation, and moraphine, her mouth is swabbed with water. Hospice visit regularly, with the Chaplain. She has not lost any weight, is unresponsive, eye movement under closed lids. We were told she has little brain activity, but she can hear us. She is slowly dying, I know she will be going to Heaven, but to dehydrate and eventually drown seems so cruel...