What exercises can I do to help with weight loss after a stroke?

A fellow caregiver asked...

I had a stroke one month ago and am now having problems with walking. What exercises can i do to help with the weight lost after the stroke?

Expert Answer

Laura Juel is an occupational therapist at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. She works in the Outpatient Occupational Therapy Program and the Duke Driving Program for older drivers.

Strokes affect people in different ways; most people experience some degree of weakness in either their arm/leg or both. This weakness, even if mild, can throw off a person's balance making them increased risk for falls. Weakness can also cause you to overuse your stronger side of the body which could cause pain in your joints and prevent you from being able to exercise. I would recommend that you see an physical therapist to set up a home exercise program. This may start out with an exercises program to help get you moving better. The program can be advanced to include transitioning to a gym setting and working on cardiovascular machines. Aquatic physical therapy is another good exercise program that allows the water to provide resistance against your movements. It is also important to have someone work with you on monitoring your blood pressure during exercise. Often times, your blood pressure may be fine during normal activities but when you exercise, it tends to go up. You will need to monitor this to make sure it stays within an acceptable range. I would recommend enlisting the help of a team of professionals, i.e nutrionist, physical therapist and physician to keep you on track to reaching your goals.