The average hourly cost of home health care in Wisconsin is $30. Although this is more than the national average of $27, retirees may be able to find lower costs for care depending on the city in which they live. Wisconsin also has a low cost of living, which can help residents save more money for the care they need. In this guide, you’ll find average hourly costs for home health care across Wisconsin and a few nearby states.

Home Health Care Costs In Wisconsin Cities

If you’re on a limited budget, consider Green Bay, which offers the lowest home health care prices in the state. Located in eastern Wisconsin, Green Bay’s prices average $26.50 per hour, which is 50 cents less than the national average and $3.50 lower than average Wisconsin prices. Madison, Appleton, Oshkosh and Eau Claire share an hourly rate of $28. In Racine and Fond du Lac, residents should expect to pay $30.

Seniors will spend more in Milwaukee, where prices average $32. Janesville and La Crosse are tied for the most expensive cities in Wisconsin for home health care. In these cities, seniors pay an average of $32.50.

Home Health Care Costs In Nearby States

Wisconsin’s home health care prices may be on the higher side, but it’s not the most expensive state in this part of the country. Minnesota’s rates average $36.25, or $6.25 more per hour than what people in Wisconsin pay. Iowa’s prices are a little cheaper than Wisconsin’s at $29.25, and in Michigan, seniors pay $1 less than Wisconsin rates. To the south of Wisconsin in Illinois, retirees pay $28 for care. The most affordable nearby state is Indiana, with an estimated cost of $25.