There are approximately 235 assisted living facilities in Utah. Whether these are small with only a few residents or large complexes with a hundred or more apartments, assisted living communities have much to offer to seniors and may be a good choice for those who need extra help but still want independence.

What Assisted Living Communities Have To Offer

Assisted living communities have plenty of services and amenities to offer seniors. Most communities offer several levels of care and help seniors create personal care plans that include everything from assistance with daily living activities to medication management and housekeeping to laundry. Communities also usually serve three meals per day with plenty of menu options to fit residents’ dietary needs and individual tastes.

Along with these services, assisted living facilities offer many amenities. They can gather in common areas to work on puzzles, play games, watch movies or listen to musical entertainment. Many have outdoor gardens, walking paths, patios and courtyards. Some communities have swimming pools and fitness centers, including exercise classes and personal trainers. Seniors can also attend group outings for shopping, special events and meals.

Why Assisted Living May Be a Good Choice

Assisted living may be a good choice for seniors who are struggling to maintain their homes or keep up with their personal needs. As people get older, it often becomes more difficult to keep the house clean, handle the yard work, do the laundry and make meals. Assisted living communities take care of those tasks so seniors don’t have to worry about them. Sometimes seniors may also struggle with personal hygiene and get confused about their medications. Mobility may be another challenge, especially if a home is not designed for accessibility. In these cases, assisted living might solve problems and ease seniors’ anxieties.

Seniors living on their own often get lonely and feel isolated. Assisted living communities ensure there is always someone to talk to, and staff members are present 24/7 for support. Residents can build friendships, interact with people with similar interests and take part in activities.