Installing a walk-in tub adds value to a home in certain circumstances. Whether the home is worth more on the market because of a walk-in tub depends on a range of factors. In some cases, the presence of a walk-in tub may actually make the home less appealing to prospective buyers. Here’s what those considering adding a walk-in tub need to know about how it may affect the overall value of their home. 

When a Walk-In Tub Adds Value to a House 

A walk-in tub is likely to be a plus in a neighborhood with a high percentage of older persons. Even those who aren’t experiencing mobility issues often appreciate the convenience offered by this type of tub. With textured floors, seats and handrails, walk-in tubs are designed with safety in mind. Many find that being able to soak in a deep tub helps with physical issues, such as arthritis and rheumatism, and some simply appreciate the extra room this type of tub provides. Additionally, walk-in tubs can be equipped with hydrotherapy jets, heated seats and microbubble therapy. 

When a Walk-In Tub Doesn’t Add Value to a House 

If the home is in a neighborhood that trends toward young families, a walk-in tub may be seen as a liability by prospective buyers, particularly if the home only has one bathroom. Bathing small children in walk-in tubs is more difficult and not as safe for kids than in their standard-sized counterparts because of their depth. 

Other Considerations

Whether prospective buyers consider a walk-in tube a pro or con isn’t always as simple as the typical age demographic of the neighborhood. Furthermore, not all locations fall under cookie-cutter definitions, particularly with current urban planning trends toward mixed-use neighborhoods. Many families are also transitioning back to multigenerational households, so a larger home with two or more bathrooms may be ideal for them if one is equipped with a walk-in tub. Some other factors that may affect whether a walk-in tub adds to the resale value of a home include:

  • A separate shower. Many people of all ages like to have the option of showering rather than consistently using a walk-in tub. Homeowners may wish to consider getting a walk-in tub with a shower slide bar to convert it to an instant shower. 
  • Bathroom renovations that accommodate the walk-in tub. Many bathrooms need adaptations before a walk-in tub can be installed, such as updates to fixtures, tiles and lighting, to make the space more appealing. 
  • Additional tub features. Add-ons, such as whirlpool jets, in-line heaters and ozone purification systems, may increase the appeal of walk-in tubs for potential buyers in all stages of life.