My father just passed, am I entitled to receive any of his benefits?

A fellow caregiver asked...

My Father pass away about 4 years ago he was War, 11, Korean, Pow, also serve in Vietnam War, 20 years of service landed on D- Day I just want to find out if I have any entitlements as his Daughter Disable bye a drunk driver 21 years ago also 3 years with knee replacement that's bad about to have it replace again.He also was an sex abuser to us girls.
Do I have any benefits due me? Volp. Fortbragg N.C....Charlotte N.C. last place he was. station from.

Expert Answer

Barbara Steinberg is the CEO and founder of BLS Eldercare Financial Solutions, which specializes in helping families pay for long-term care for their loved ones. A registered financial gerontologist, she speaks regularly on the topic of paying for long-term care and is a financial expert for

Your father may have been receiving military retirement pay or other service-connected or non-service connected disability benefits. When a Veteran passes away, his surviving spouse and dependent children may be eligible to receive some of his benefits. Dependent children must be 18 years old or younger (unless they are full-time college students which raised the age to 22). If a dependent child. who was disabled and receiving benefits prior to reaching age 18, continues to be disabled, the benefits will continue beyond age 18.