How can I persuade my father to stop driving?

A fellow caregiver asked...

My dad has been informed by 2 doctors that he should not be driving. However, he refuses to give up the keys. What can we do?

Expert Answer

Elizabeth Dugan, a Fellow of the Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston, is the author of Driving Dilemma: The Complete Resource Guide for Older Drivers and Their Families.

It depends on what's prompting the doctor recommendations and if this was a firm, evidence-based diagnosis or an off-the-cuff, rushed remark.

If there's any doubt, get a multidisciplinary assessment of his driving fitness. The American Occupational Therapy Association has a database listing certified driving rehabilitation specialists so you can find one in your area ( It may be that with retraining or some adaptation your father can keep driving safely or modify his driving behavior to minimize risks.

However if he can't, then it's time to intervene. Start by talking. Ask open-ended questions to find out how he sees the issue. On average we'll outlive our ability to drive by about ten years. Has he thought about how he will get around when he is no longer safe to drive? What are the alternatives to driving that he is comfortable with? If talking calmly and openly doesn't work you may have to try other steps.

Medically unfit drivers can be reported to the licensing authority (i.e., department of motor vehicles). State's differ in how they respond to reports, but it usually triggers official action that may compel him to make the change.