Seems more self-absorbed, less interested in family than usual

Increasingly self absorbed; less interested in others
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over 10 years, said...

I believe Butch is going into the severe stage, but I'm not absolutely sure. Help me out here. This year he has been hospitalized 3 times with pneumonia. After the last two I had to put him in a rest home for a short time. He is now home again. I finally took away the cigarettes. He still asks for them, when he can talk, which isn't often. He seems depressed, but he takes an antidepressant. I can take care of him most days, if he doesn't get resistant, or uncooperative. Sometimes he gets violent, wants to hit me or kick me but not often, if I want to clean him up.He is very strong. I have help once a week with a bath for him, but this week he refused, so we'll try again in 2 days. He doesn't talk anymore just an occasional word, sleeps a lot and eats very little.

about 11 years, said...

I am have the opposite speaking problem with my husband, I cannot get him to stop talking! It is a real rapid speech and the things he talks about take forever to "get to the end" of. I have things to take care of and he makes me feel like I am ignoring him. He makes me watch TV with him, and I have figured out that it is so I can "catch" what he misses. (He loved to re-wind the remote and turn the volume up.) My husband corrects me, tells me I misplace things or don't put things so he can find them and heavens; if I drive, it is ONE LONG drive for me. He does little around the house but eat and dr's appointment and rehab. I know I am losing him slowly. There is so much wrong with him. He is not the same, at all. I do get out, but will pay the price if I do. His Dr's give me little to go on with HIPPA and all, and he will not share very much. Everthing is "good" with him. Soon as we get home or if I try to rest, he is having pain, aches or trouble breathing. I am totally wired.

over 12 years, said...

Yes, this was explanatory in a way that is easy to understand.. Charlotte Kimm

about 13 years, said...

day in and day out he sits on the couch watching news etc , does not go out much , maybe once a week in truck to get gas. does not talk or start a conversation most the time quiet. He seems to be in the moment. only. Has bought a Ram and l am worried how long the moment will last when he is driving. has an appt to see a nerouligist end of May

about 13 years, said...

we find very helpfull yor coments,my problem is mostly at the time he has to go to sleep he gets nervous an he cant go to sleep ,please givme an adviice,thanks ,mirta hisi wife

about 13 years, said...

This addresses something that I struggle with - my husband being absorbed with himself. He is young, 58, and I want to talk to an adult but he is not engaging in much conversation with me. I am trying to be around other adults to meet the needs I have myself.

over 13 years, said...

Hi Patsfan, Thanks for your question. You are not alone, many caregivers see this problem in their loved ones. There are steps you can take to improve this unpleasant behavior. One place you can look for information is here: Also, one of our Experts has also already answered a similar question here: Hope that helps! -- Emily | Community Manager

over 13 years, said...

My husband is picking at his skin,I am very there anything I can do?

over 13 years, said...

helpfull. I will be using this site frequently as i will be her primary giver

over 13 years, said...

i need help with my husband an this is good for me because is helpin me to andestand hin.MIRTA.

over 13 years, said...

The advice about being empathetic is huge: I've learned to give myself a little attitude adjustment before talking to or spending time with my mother"”emphasizing to myself that it's time to concentrate on her rather than on our relationship or making "meaningful" conversation.