
How Medicare Works

Class How does Medicare work? What is Medicare? Who qualifies for Medicare? What does Medicare cover?

Medicare Part A

Class How Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) Works. Who's eligible for Medicare Part A and what hospital care is covered by Medicare Part A?

6 Steps to Hire an In-Home Caregiver

Class When someone needs help at home, the ideal solution may be to hire an in-home caregiver. Follow these steps to find a good caregiver who can start right away.

How to Get Paid for Being a Family Caregiver

Class You could get paid for being a caregiver if your family member is on Medicaid. See if you can get paid for being a caregiver by Medicaid or insurance.

Medicaid Coverage of Nursing Home Care in 2018

Class Medicaid rules for coverage of nursing home care are complex and vary from state to state. Know the basics of Medicaid coverage of nursing home care.

What is Home Health Care?

Class What to expect from home health care? Home health care agencies provide in-home skilled nursing and other home health care services, such as physical and occupational therapy.

Non-medical In-home Care Explained

Class Home care, also known as in-home care, is nonmedical care provided in the client's home. It includes custodial care and assistance with activities of daily living such as eating, bathing and providing medication reminders.

Medicaid Explained

Class Alternatives to Medicaid are available in some states. Click here for more information.

Assisted Living Overview

Class Assisted living is a general term used to describe residential facilities that provide care for individuals who cannot live independently, but do not require twenty-four hour skilled nursing care. With so many choices, however, many adult children face dilemmas when it comes time to find assisted li...

Medicaid Eligibility

Class Medicaid is a federally aided, state-operated program that provides medical care for certain low-income individuals and families who have limited resources. Medicaid eligibility is not tied to Social Security benefits; however, if an individual is receiving social security benefits, a part of those ...

V.A. Medical Benefits

Class Most veterans are eligible for V.A. medical benefits -- with some restrictions. Learn who's eligible, what benefits are provided, and how to apply.

How to Pay for Adult Daycare

Class Adult daycare can be a boon to older adults and their caregivers alike. Learn about different options for paying for adult daycare.

Medicare Coverage of Home Health Care

Class Learn about Medicare coverage for home health care, including skilled nursing care, and how Medicare coverage can help your elderly loved ones get the help they need.

Medicare Explained

Class Medicare is the federally administered health insurance program for people sixty-five years of age and older, certain disabled people under sixty-five years of age, and people with end-stage renal disease. Medicare is divided into four parts, known simply as Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D. The be...

Medicare Part C Open Enrollment 2013

Class Open enrollment periods for Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans let you renew or change plans. When to change, and what to look for in a new plan.