Important Documents Checklist

What financial and legal documents do you and your elderly loved ones need? One way to make doctor or hospital visits just a tad easier on yourself is by having all the necessary documents with you when you go. Your best bet is to get a notebook with some pockets so that you can keep all this important paperwork in one place. Plus it makes it easy to grab as you head out the door.

What to Keep in Your Notebook

  1. Insurance and Medicare card
  2. List of Current and Past Medications
  3. Names and phone numbers of relatives, friends or geriatric care managers
  4. Discharge papers, if applicable
  5. Care Plan document, if applicable
  6. Face sheet, if applicable

Other Important Documents

Additionally there are a few documents that you should create so that your wishes in regard to care are known and that someone can act on your behalf. A copy of the following records should be kept in a safe place. You will not need these documents on a typical doctor’s visit, but you should have them if you are hospitalized with any prolonged ailment. If you put these documents into your notebook have them towards the back so they aren’t exposed. Make sure trusted loved ones know where copies of the following documents are kept:

  1. Advanced Health Directive or a Living Will
  2. Durable Power of Attorney
  3. Health Care Proxy or Medical Power of Attorney (MPOA)

Finding an Elderlaw Attorney

If you need help drafting these documents, contact a